Code standards w/ Matt Stauffer

What set two developers on a quest to build custom tooling to enforce their code style preferences? Today's episode is a story that starts with two independent projects—Tighten's `tlint` and InterNACHI's `laralint`—but meanders to all the right places, including the future of PHP itself, the intersection of bikeshedding and art, and so much more.

Creators and Guests

Chris Morrell
Chris Morrell
Father of two. Mostly talking about PHP/Laravel/React on Twitter. He/him.
Matt Stauffer
Matt Stauffer
CEO @tightenco: @laravelphp and more. Host @LaravelPodcast & @businesslaravel. "Worst twerker ever, best Dad ever" –My daughter💍 @ImaniVJones
Code standards w/ Matt Stauffer
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