Perfecting lifecycle hooks w/ Caleb Porzio

In today's episode, Chris and Caleb sit down and try to imagine what the perfect "hook" implementation might look like. Laravel, Livewire, and the upcoming Verbs package, all have to allow for hooking into logic at specific points, and each package has to handle this in its own unique way. What if there was a canonical way to hook into the lifecycle of a package that worked across the whole Laravel (and maybe beyond?) ecosystem?

Creators and Guests

Chris Morrell
Chris Morrell
Father of two. Mostly talking about PHP/Laravel/React on Twitter. He/him.
Caleb Porzio
Caleb Porzio
Libs: @Alpine_JS & @LaravelLivewirePods: @noplanstomerge &
Perfecting lifecycle hooks w/ Caleb Porzio
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